156 research outputs found


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    The objective of this plan is to define the guidelines for the AGILE scientific delta- commissioning activities

    IXPE: Instrument User Manual

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    The purpose of this document is to outline the user manual for the IXPE Instrument

    A multi-wavelength pipeline for pulsar searches

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    Pulsar studies in the recent years have shown, more than others, to have benefited from a multi-wavelength approach. The INAF - Astronomical Observatory in Cagliari (INAF-OAC) is a growing facility with a young group devoted to pulsar and fast transients studies across the electromagnetic spectrum. Taking advantage of this expertise we have worked to provide a suite of multi-wavelength software and databases for the observations of pulsars and compact Galactic objects at the Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT). In turn, radio pulsar observations at SRT will be made available, in a processed format, to gamma-ray searches using AGILE and Fermi gamma-ray satellite and, in a near future, they will be complementary to polarimetric X-ray observations with IXPE.Comment: Accepted for publications in Rendiconti Lincei as Proceedings of "A Decade of AGILE: Results, Challenges and Prospects of Gamma-Ray Astrophysics

    AGILE as a particle detector: Magnetospheric measurements of 10-100 MeV electrons in L shells less than 1.2

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    We study the capability of the AGILE gamma ray space mission in detecting magnetospheric particles (mostly electrons) in the energy range 10-100 MeV. Our measurements focus on the inner magnetic shells with L ≲ 1.2 in the magnetic equator. The instrument characteristics and a quasi-equatorial orbit of ∼500 km altitude make it possible to address several important properties of the particle populations in the inner magnetosphere. We review the on board trigger logic and study the acceptance of the AGILE instrument for particle detection. We find that the AGILE effective geometric factor (acceptance) is R≃50 cm2 sr for particle energies in the range 10-100 MeV. Particle event reconstruction allows to determine the particle pitch angle with the local magnetic field with good accuracy. We obtain the pitch angle distributions for both the AGILE "pointing" phase (July 2007 to October 2009) and the "spinning" phase (November 2009 to present). In spinning mode, the whole range (0-180 degrees) is accessible every 7 min. We find a pitch angle distribution of the "dumbbell" type with a prominent depression near α = 90° which is typical of wave-particle resonant scattering and precipitation in the inner magnetosphere. Most importantly, we show that AGILE is not affected by solar particle precipitation events in the magnetosphere. The satellite trajectory intersects magnetic shells in a quite narrow range (1.0 ≲ L ≲ 1.2); AGILE then has a high exposure to a magnetospheric region potentially rich of interesting phenomena. The large particle acceptance in the 10-100 MeV range, the pitch angle determination capability, the L shell exposure, and the solar-free background make AGILE a unique instrument for measuring steady and transient particle events in the inner magnetosphere

    Performance analysis of the Karhunen–Loève Transform for artificial and astrophysical transmissions: denoizing and detection

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    In this work, we propose a new method of computing the Karhunen–Loève Transform (KLT) applied to complex voltage data for the detection and noise level reduction in astronomical signals. We compared this method with the standard KLT techniques based on the Toeplitz correlation matrix and we conducted a performance analysis for the detection and extraction of astrophysical and artificial signals via Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. We applied our novel method to a real data study-case: the Voyager 1 telemetry signal. We evaluated the KLT performance in an astrophysical context: our technique provides a remarkable improvement in computation time and MC simulations show significant reconstruction results for signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) down to −10 dB and comparable results with standard signal detection techniques. The application to artificial signals, such as the Voyager 1 data, shows a notable gain in SNR after the KLT

    Performance analysis of the Karhunen–Loève Transform for artificial and astrophysical transmissions: denoizing and detection

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    In this work, we propose a new method of computing the Karhunen–Loève Transform (KLT) applied to complex voltage data for the detection and noise level reduction in astronomical signals. We compared this method with the standard KLT techniques based on the Toeplitz correlation matrix and we conducted a performance analysis for the detection and extraction of astrophysical and artificial signals via Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. We applied our novel method to a real data study-case: the Voyager 1 telemetry signal. We evaluated the KLT performance in an astrophysical context: our technique provides a remarkable improvement in computation time and MC simulations show significant reconstruction results for signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) down to −10 dB and comparable results with standard signal detection techniques. The application to artificial signals, such as the Voyager 1 data, shows a notable gain in SNR after the KLT

    Possible effects on avionics induced by terrestrial gamma-ray flashes

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    Abstract. Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs) are impulsive (intrinsically sub-millisecond) events associated with lightning in powerful thunderstorms. TGFs turn out to be very powerful natural accelerators known to accelerate particles and generate radiation up to hundreds of MeV energies. The number ratio of TGFs over normal lightning has been measured in tropical regions to be near 10−4. We address in this Article the issue of the possible susceptibility of typical aircraft electronics exposed to TGF particle, gamma ray and neutron irradiation. We consider possible scenarios regarding the intensity, the duration, and geometry of TGFs influencing nearby aircraft, and study their effects on electronic equipment. We calculate, for different assumptions, the total dose and the dose-rate, and estimate single-event-effects. We find that in addition to the electromagnetic component (electrons/positrons, gamma rays) also secondary neutrons produced by gamma-ray photo production in the aircraft structure substantially contribute to single-event effects in critical semiconductors components. Depending on the physical characteristics and geometry, TGFs may deliver a large flux of neutrons within a few milliseconds in an aircraft. This flux is calculated to be orders of magnitude larger than the natural cosmic-ray background, and may constitute a serious hazard to aircraft electronic equipment. We present a series of numerical simulations supporting our conclusions. Our results suggest the necessity of dedicated measurement campaigns addressing the radiative and particle environment of aircraft near or within thunderstorms

    A multi-wavelength pipeline for pulsar observations

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    The Astronomical Observatory in Cagliari (OAC) is a growing facility with a group devoted to pulsar studies across the electromagnetic spectrum. Taking advantage of this expertise we have worked to provide a suite of multi-wavelength software and databases for the observations of pulsars and compact Galactic objects at the Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT, Bolli et al. 2015, Prandoni et al. 2017)
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